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Posts published in December 2024


Aana@STVPS 0

Sometimes expected, and sometimes not!  

There’s so much one expects from a pregnancy and so much more that one’s clueless about.  

First things first. Your period may be overdue by 3 weeks or just a day or isn’t even due, yet you have a gut feeling that you might be expecting.  

Women often notice the very early symptoms of pregnancy like overdue period, tender breasts, fatigue, urinary discharge, bloating, spotting, a rise in body temperature and so much more which varies with every individual, while many times women do not feel any symptoms at all.  

Here the question is how to find wherever you’re pregnant or not. Apart from the woman’s intuition, modern day science is your go to! Take the home pregnancy test. It’s so accurate and can detect the hcg hormone in your blood as early as 6 to 12 days after fertilization. Still, it’s recommended to wait until you miss your period for more accurate results.  

The home pregnancy test is, as they say, 99% correct. One may take a blood test for 100% accuracy, to be sure.  

The first step to a smooth pregnancy starts with choosing your medical practitioner who will guide through your way for those crucial 40 weeks of your life. Trust them, and trust the process.  

Week 4 is the week of implantation. Most early pregnancy symptoms begin making appearance around week 6, but every woman and every pregnancy is different, so many may begin earlier or later for you. You may expect a lot of changes physically and emotionally.  

You may expect spotting when the embryo implants in the uterus, which is probably week 4. Breast changes such as tenderness, soreness, fullness are usual symptoms. Following week 6, one may expect nausea, bloating, increased sensitivity to smells. Emotional ups and downs, such as mood swings, irritability, anxiety are also common.  

Pregnancy keeps changing our bodies and souls through 40 weeks. The most important thing that is to be remembered is to prioritize yourself though this time. Take enough rest, as it is more important than keeping your house spotless, or to cook Michelin star meals, or to become super moms to your first Borns. Try delegating your work, order your groceries, take help, give yourself a break and allow others to baby you. 

Which age is best for first pregnancy? 

A woman's peak reproductive years are between the late teens and late 20s. By age 30, fertility (the ability to get pregnant) starts to decline. This decline happens faster once you reach your mid-30s. By 45, fertility has declined so much that getting pregnant naturally is unlikely. 

How do men feel when their wife is pregnant? 

Men get conscious when they find early symptom of pregnancy .It's not uncommon for people to experience restless nights, heartburn and bouts of fatigue while their partners are pregnant. In fact, about 11 percent of fathers experience anxiety during the pre- and postnatal period. 

But contrary to everything the necessary thing is would be mother stay happy and healthy and get pampered by their loved ones . 


Aana@STVPS 1

In this era of new times where women are getting some acknowledge and respect in society. But somehow few things are still in question . There is one thing which is trending nowadays i.e. women empowerment. Women empowerment basically means to give freedom to women about their choices, education, literacy, equal status in society and better livelihood. Something that is very interesting about women empowerment is it gives opportunity to women to re define gender roles for achieving their goals. 

Women economic empowerment ensures that women are not depend on someone for financially and allows them to take decisions by their own in terms of money.  

Indian Government is also playing a vital role in women empowerment by introducing many women empowerment programs like BETI BACHAO BETI PADHAO, MAHILA SHAKTI KENDRA, UJJAWALLA YOJNA, MISSION SHAKTI AND MANY ALSO... 

Women empowerment projects also help women in a variety of ways like economic empowerment, supporting women and girls in crisis, poverty alleviation, breaking cycles of gender discrimination and inequality and help women find new opportunities .. 


There are many private institutions also who are contributing in developing women empowerment programs and projects like  


Center for Women Empowerment at NMIT, Bangalore 

Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) 


Institute for What Works to Advance Gender Equality (IWWAGE) 

Basically women empowerment also leads to many chances for local women artisans to showcase their work and products and lead them into monetary terms as results. In foreign countries their people like local arts and folk arts . 

According to the FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION(FAO), increasing women's empowerment is essential for women's well-being (Women for Women's problems) and has a positive impact on agricultural production, food security, diets and child nutrition. 

Another method for women empowerment is to give microcredit to women and there are some microfinance institutions who were giving finances to women for starting small businesses and in the collateral to guarantee as required. 

Microcredit institutions do not address cultural barrier that allow men to still control family finance that includes that finance also which was given to women so this is a barrier in terms of successful business for a woman. 

Cultural empowerment is also very important for women’s right and equality because it is an integral and huge part of diversity and a medium that seeks to ensure women’s opportunities. 

There is a need for equal cultural rights for women to be acknowledged and implemented which would in turn help to reconstruct gender in ways that would rise above women's inferiority and subordination.  

Role of education also plays a vital role in particular; education empowers women to make choices that improves their children's education, and acquiring survival skills. 

Education is not universally available and gender inequalities persist. A major concern in many countries is not only the limited numbers of girls going to school, but also the number of educational pathways for those that step into the classroom.  

There are many articles and blogs about women empowerment and that helps to new generation to know about the difference between position of women at that time and nowadays. 

But still many questions are there on women empowerment which are without answers and we are still finding equality in society for women. 


In this era of new times where women are getting some acknowledge and respect in society. But somehow few things are still in question . There is one thing which is trending nowadays i.e. women empowerment. Women empowerment basically means to give freedom to women about their choices, education, literacy, equal status in society and better livelihood. Something that is very interesting about women empowerment is it gives opportunity to women to re define gender roles for achieving their goals. 

Women empowerment is a way for development of a women in the terms of socially and economically also. Women economic empowerment ensures that women are not depend on someone for financially and allows them to take decisions by their own in terms of money.  

Indian Government is also playing a vital role in women empowerment by introducing many women empowerment programs like BETI BACHAO BETI PADHAO, MAHILA SHAKTI KENDRA, UJJAWALLA YOJNA, MISSION SHAKTI AND MANY ALSO... 

Women empowerment projects also help women in a variety of ways like economic empowerment, supporting women and girls in crisis, poverty alleviation, breaking cycles of gender discrimination and inequality and help women find new opportunities .. 


There are many private institutions also who are contributing in developing women empowerment programs and projects like  


Center for Women Empowerment at NMIT, Bangalore 

Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) 


Institute for What Works to Advance Gender Equality (IWWAGE) 

Basically women empowerment also leads to many chances for local women artisans to showcase their work and products and lead them into monetary terms as results. In foreign countries their people like local arts and folk arts . 

According to the FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION(FAO), increasing women's empowerment is essential for women's well-being (Women for Women's problems) and has a positive impact on agricultural production, food security, diets and child nutrition. 

Another method for women empowerment is to give microcredit to women and there are some microfinance institutions who were giving finances to women for starting small businesses and in the collateral to guarantee as required. 

Microcredit institutions do not address cultural barrier that allow men to still control family finance that includes that finance also which was given to women so this is a barrier in terms of successful business for a woman. 

Cultural empowerment is also very important for women’s right and equality because it is an integral and huge part of diversity and a medium that seeks to ensure women’s opportunities. 

There is a need for equal cultural rights for women to be acknowledged and implemented which would in turn help to reconstruct gender in ways that would rise above women's inferiority and subordination.  

Role of education also plays a vital role in particular; education empowers women to make choices that improves their children's education, and acquiring survival skills. 

Education is not universally available and gender inequalities persist. A major concern in many countries is not only the limited numbers of girls going to school, but also the number of educational pathways for those that step into the classroom.  

There are many articles and blogs about women empowerment and that helps to new generation to know about the difference between position of women at that time and nowadays. 

But still many questions are there on women empowerment which are without answers and we are still finding equality in society for women.